Import questions from Excel

When you're creating a template and need to add a large number of questions, you can import lines to make the process faster.

Note: The template files work with Microsoft Excel 2007 and later versions.

Download Excel template

  1. Open a template.
  2. In one of the Questions sections, click the Import button.
  3. Select Download template for import.
    The Excel file (rfp_import_template.xlsx) is downloaded.

Add line items

Using Excel, you can upload up to 3000 line items to an event and 100 line items per sections. If you exceed 100 line items in a section, additional line items are uploaded to a new section. For each question, you can add conditional questions to collect more information when a supplier provides a specific response.

Warning! Additional columns cannot be added to the spreadsheet.

  1. Open the template in your preferred spreadsheet program.
  2. Add line items.
    ClosedColumn descriptions
  3. Save your spreadsheet.

Import from Excel

  1. Open a template, navigate to a question section, and click the Import button.
  2. Select Import from Excel and then select and open your saved file.
    New sections and questions with the information you defined are added. If you exceed 100 line items in a section, additional line items are uploaded to a new section.

    Note: If there are any issues with your import file, you will receive a message telling you which line and column has an issue.

  3. Make any necessary additions or changes and save.